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20.12.2017, 5002 Zeichen


Senat winkt Trumps Steuerpläne durch

The Senate passed the GOP tax bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, just after midnight Wednesday morning.The vote puts the bill on the edge of success, with only a technical vote in the House needed before it can be sent to President Donald Trump's desk.The bill is set to make sweeping changes to the tax code for both businesses and households.The Senate passed the sweeping GOP tax bill just after midnight in Washington on Wednesday, putting Republicans and President Donald Trump a hair's breadth away from a signature legislative victory that has so far escaped their first year in control of the federal government.The bill passed by a vote of 51 to 48, with no senator crossing party lines. Sen. John McCain was not present for the vote while he recovers in Arizona from complications of treatment for brain cancer.The passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in the Senate leaves a technical vote in House as the last remaining obstacle before the bill can be sent to Trump's desk.The House vote will be necessary after Senate rules forced three minor provisions to be stripped from the bill after it passed the House on Tuesday. The House will now need to vote on the revised version of the bill from the Senate.(Head here a full explanation of the technical reasons behind the delay »)Since the bill passed the House by a comfortable margin, the vote on Wednesday is considered a formality.The TCJA is set to make huge changes to the tax code for businesses and average Americans.On the business side, the biggest change is the cut in the federal corporate tax rate to 21% from the current 35%. A series of new rules would make it easier to deduct new investments, cheaper to bring back assets held overseas, and carve out exemptions for individual industries like craft brewers.On the individual side, the bill would keep the same number of brackets but lower the rates on different income levels. According to analyses, this would result in the bulk of Americans — roughly 80% — getting a tax cut next year, while a handful of people would see their taxes increase.But in contrast to the corporate tax cuts, the individual tax cuts would expire after 2025. Republicans say a future Congress will extend these cuts, but given the current level of disagreement in Washington, critics argue that is not guaranteed.Overall, the bill is expected to provide a modest boost to the US economy, but less than grandiose promises from Republican leaders.The new economic growth is expected to fuel more tax revenue. But all independent analyses have shown that the final version of the bill will add anywhere from $448 billion to over $1 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years, rejecting GOP claims that the legislation would pay for itself.The reaction to the vote came swiftly, with members of each party putting their own spin on the bill's passage.Republicans used the opportunity to tout what they say will be the positive effects for average people and the US economy."For years, Republicans and Democrats alike have called for middle-class tax cuts and a more competitive tax code for American workers and businesses, and today Republicans are delivering on that promise," GOP Sen. Rob Portman said in a statement. "This bill will cut taxes for middle-class families, reform our business tax code to create more jobs and higher wages for Ohio workers, and update our international tax code to encourage jobs and investments in America."On the opposing side, Democrats decried the bill as a hand out to the rich and large corporations."This bill will exacerbate inequality, not ameliorate it," Democratic Sen. Cory Booker said in a statement. "It’s irresponsible, reckless, unjust, and just plain cruel – and for these reasons and more, today is one of my most disappointing days as a US Senator. I look forward to the day—and it will come – that we reverse this devastating piece of legislation and bring real tax reform that truly helps working families and small businesses across the country."SEE ALSO: The House will be forced to revote on the massive tax bill because of provisions that break Senate rulesJoin the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Trump's family church explains why he refuses to accept failure

Weiterlesen bei feedproxy.google.com



Kampf um den Bitcoin
Regulierung der Digitalwährung: Kampf um den Bitcoin

Nach der Kursexplosion streiten Politiker, Währungshüter und Banker darüber, ob der Bitcoin durch neue Regeln gezügelt werden soll. Die Debatte kreist um eine alte Frage: Wie viel Gier verträgt der Kapitalismus?

Weiterlesen bei www.handelsblatt.com



BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 15/365: zertifikateforum.at als Fundus für Wissensinhalte, heute zb neu "EU & Kapitalmarkt"



1. Donald Trump, Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com, Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com , (© www.shutterstock.com)   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

Aktien auf dem Radar:Lenzing, Austriacard Holdings AG, Kapsch TrafficCom, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Agrana, Erste Group, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Bawag, voestalpine, Frequentis, Andritz, EVN, Semperit, Polytec Group, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Wienerberger, Warimpex, UBM, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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EuroTeleSites AG
EuroTeleSites bietet mit seiner langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Telekommunikation, Lösungen und Dienstleistungen zum Bau und der Servicierung von drahtlosen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken in sechs Ländern in der CEE-Region an: Österreich, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien, der Republik Nordmazedonien und der Republik Serbien. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst über 13.000 Standorte, die hochwertige Wholesale Services für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten.

>> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner


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    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 20-21: Uniqa(1)
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 19-20: Porr(2)
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 18-19: Fabasoft(1), Österreichische Post(1)
    BSN Vola-Event Zalando
    Star der Stunde: Addiko Bank 1.6%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -1.38%
    wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: Fabasoft(6), Kontron(4), RBI(2)
    Star der Stunde: Zumtobel 0.98%, Rutsch der Stunde: SBO -0.76%

    Featured Partner Video

    Börsepeople im Podcast S16/15: Elvira Karahasanovic

    Elvira Karahasanovic ist Bankerin, ISO-Zertififzierter Coach, Fitnesstrainerin und Model aus Innsbruck, sie war daher per Telefon zugeschaltet. Die Tirolerin mit bosnischen Wurzeln sieht sich als b...

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    Senat winkt Trumps Steuerpläne durch und Kampf um den Bitcoin (Top Media Extended)

    20.12.2017, 5002 Zeichen


    Senat winkt Trumps Steuerpläne durch

    The Senate passed the GOP tax bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, just after midnight Wednesday morning.The vote puts the bill on the edge of success, with only a technical vote in the House needed before it can be sent to President Donald Trump's desk.The bill is set to make sweeping changes to the tax code for both businesses and households.The Senate passed the sweeping GOP tax bill just after midnight in Washington on Wednesday, putting Republicans and President Donald Trump a hair's breadth away from a signature legislative victory that has so far escaped their first year in control of the federal government.The bill passed by a vote of 51 to 48, with no senator crossing party lines. Sen. John McCain was not present for the vote while he recovers in Arizona from complications of treatment for brain cancer.The passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in the Senate leaves a technical vote in House as the last remaining obstacle before the bill can be sent to Trump's desk.The House vote will be necessary after Senate rules forced three minor provisions to be stripped from the bill after it passed the House on Tuesday. The House will now need to vote on the revised version of the bill from the Senate.(Head here a full explanation of the technical reasons behind the delay »)Since the bill passed the House by a comfortable margin, the vote on Wednesday is considered a formality.The TCJA is set to make huge changes to the tax code for businesses and average Americans.On the business side, the biggest change is the cut in the federal corporate tax rate to 21% from the current 35%. A series of new rules would make it easier to deduct new investments, cheaper to bring back assets held overseas, and carve out exemptions for individual industries like craft brewers.On the individual side, the bill would keep the same number of brackets but lower the rates on different income levels. According to analyses, this would result in the bulk of Americans — roughly 80% — getting a tax cut next year, while a handful of people would see their taxes increase.But in contrast to the corporate tax cuts, the individual tax cuts would expire after 2025. Republicans say a future Congress will extend these cuts, but given the current level of disagreement in Washington, critics argue that is not guaranteed.Overall, the bill is expected to provide a modest boost to the US economy, but less than grandiose promises from Republican leaders.The new economic growth is expected to fuel more tax revenue. But all independent analyses have shown that the final version of the bill will add anywhere from $448 billion to over $1 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years, rejecting GOP claims that the legislation would pay for itself.The reaction to the vote came swiftly, with members of each party putting their own spin on the bill's passage.Republicans used the opportunity to tout what they say will be the positive effects for average people and the US economy."For years, Republicans and Democrats alike have called for middle-class tax cuts and a more competitive tax code for American workers and businesses, and today Republicans are delivering on that promise," GOP Sen. Rob Portman said in a statement. "This bill will cut taxes for middle-class families, reform our business tax code to create more jobs and higher wages for Ohio workers, and update our international tax code to encourage jobs and investments in America."On the opposing side, Democrats decried the bill as a hand out to the rich and large corporations."This bill will exacerbate inequality, not ameliorate it," Democratic Sen. Cory Booker said in a statement. "It’s irresponsible, reckless, unjust, and just plain cruel – and for these reasons and more, today is one of my most disappointing days as a US Senator. I look forward to the day—and it will come – that we reverse this devastating piece of legislation and bring real tax reform that truly helps working families and small businesses across the country."SEE ALSO: The House will be forced to revote on the massive tax bill because of provisions that break Senate rulesJoin the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Trump's family church explains why he refuses to accept failure

    Weiterlesen bei feedproxy.google.com



    Kampf um den Bitcoin
    Regulierung der Digitalwährung: Kampf um den Bitcoin

    Nach der Kursexplosion streiten Politiker, Währungshüter und Banker darüber, ob der Bitcoin durch neue Regeln gezügelt werden soll. Die Debatte kreist um eine alte Frage: Wie viel Gier verträgt der Kapitalismus?

    Weiterlesen bei www.handelsblatt.com



    BSN Podcasts
    Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

    kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 15/365: zertifikateforum.at als Fundus für Wissensinhalte, heute zb neu "EU & Kapitalmarkt"



    1. Donald Trump, Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com, Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com , (© www.shutterstock.com)   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

    Aktien auf dem Radar:Lenzing, Austriacard Holdings AG, Kapsch TrafficCom, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Agrana, Erste Group, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, Bawag, voestalpine, Frequentis, Andritz, EVN, Semperit, Polytec Group, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Wienerberger, Warimpex, UBM, Oberbank AG Stamm, Palfinger, Flughafen Wien, Amag, OMV, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG.

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    EuroTeleSites AG
    EuroTeleSites bietet mit seiner langjähriger Erfahrung im Bereich der Telekommunikation, Lösungen und Dienstleistungen zum Bau und der Servicierung von drahtlosen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken in sechs Ländern in der CEE-Region an: Österreich, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien, der Republik Nordmazedonien und der Republik Serbien. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst über 13.000 Standorte, die hochwertige Wholesale Services für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten.

    >> Besuchen Sie 68 weitere Partner auf boerse-social.com/partner


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      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 21-22: Kontron(1), Strabag(1), VIG(1)
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 20-21: Uniqa(1)
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 19-20: Porr(2)
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 18-19: Fabasoft(1), Österreichische Post(1)
      BSN Vola-Event Zalando
      Star der Stunde: Addiko Bank 1.6%, Rutsch der Stunde: Porr -1.38%
      wikifolio-Trades Austro-Aktien 17-18: Fabasoft(6), Kontron(4), RBI(2)
      Star der Stunde: Zumtobel 0.98%, Rutsch der Stunde: SBO -0.76%

      Featured Partner Video

      Börsepeople im Podcast S16/15: Elvira Karahasanovic

      Elvira Karahasanovic ist Bankerin, ISO-Zertififzierter Coach, Fitnesstrainerin und Model aus Innsbruck, sie war daher per Telefon zugeschaltet. Die Tirolerin mit bosnischen Wurzeln sieht sich als b...

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