04.04.2021, 2012 Zeichen
A very strong week before the Easter holidays. ATX TR reached 6300 points. News came from Andritz (3), Agrana, Palfinger, Vienna Insurance Group, Pierer Mobility, beaconsmind, FACC, Frequentis, Lenzing and the Vienna Stock Exchange. Happy and healthy Easter.
BSNgine weekly Spitout: The ATX TR up 3,23% to 6.298,9 points this week. Year-to-date the ATX TR is now at 15,23%. Up to now there were 41 days with a positive and 23 with a negative gain. From the year-high we are 0% away, from the low 15,23%. Statistically the best weekday so far 2021 is Monday with 0,5%, the weakest is Friday with -0,29%.
These are the best-performers this week: AT&S 12,3% in front of S Immo 8,84% and Polytec Group 8,76%. And the following stocks performed worst: Addiko Bank -1,47% in front of CA Immo 0,28% and Erste Group 0,48%.
Further highlights this week: Rosenbauer for 7 days in a row up (5,1% gain from 47,1 to 49,5), also Österreichische Post 6 days up (4,28% gain from 36,2 to 37,75), Lenzing 5 days up (8,37% gain from 102,8 to 111,4), Immofinanz 5 days up (6,16% gain from 16,89 to 17,93), Polytec Group 4 days up (8,76% gain from 10,04 to 10,92), Wienerberger 3 days up (2,07% gain from 30,94 to 31,58), Zumtobel 3 days up (7,35% gain from 7,35 to 7,89), Addiko Bank 3 days up (1,51% gain from 12,56 to 12,75), Flughafen Wien 3 days up (2,63% gain from 28,55 to 29,3), SBO 3 days up (3,43% gain from 37,95 to 39,25).
Best-performers year-to-date as of now: Semperit 55,56% (last year: 118,13 percent) followed by Addiko Bank 45,71% (last year: -39,24 percent) and Polytec Group 45,41% (last year: -13,18 percent). And the worst-performing stocks year-to-date: Verbund -9,52% (Vorjahr: 56,12 percent), followed by Flughafen Wien -3,78% (Vorjahr: -19,34 percent) and Warimpex -2,18% (Vorjahr: -29,75 percent).
High above the MA200: Semperit 73,48%, Polytec Group 60,75% and Lenzing 57,23%.
Down under the MA200: Warimpex -4,67%.
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (03/04/2021)
SportWoche Podcast #147: Patrick Taschner, der mit Business & Biceps Menschen und Unternehmen leistungsfähiger macht
Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, RBI, Palfinger, Pierer Mobility, Austriacard Holdings AG, SBO, Wienerberger, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, CA Immo, Semperit, Agrana, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Erste Group, FACC, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, EVN, OMV, Österreichische Post, Rosenbauer, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Allianz, Fresenius Medical Care, HeidelbergCement, Zalando, Siemens Energy, Sartorius.
Vienna International Airport
Die Flughafen Wien AG positioniert sich durch die geografische Lage im Zentrum Europas als eine der wichtigsten Drehscheiben zu den florierenden Destinationen Mittel- und Osteuropas. Der Flughafen Wien war 2016 Ausgangs- oder Endpunkt für über 23 Millionen Passagiere.
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