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21st Austria weekly - Agrana (14/01/2025)

19.01.2025, 1209 Zeichen

Agrana: Agrana, the fruit, starch and sugar company, generated revenue of € 2,707.8 million in the first three quarters of the 2024|25 financial year, a moderate reduction from € 2,947.8 million in the same period one year earlier. The decline in revenue despite higher sales volumes was primarily the result of lower sales prices in the Starch and Sugar segments. Operating profit (EBIT) in the first three quarters was € 51.1 million, a sharp decrease from the year-ago level of € 149.4 million. AGRANA Chief Executive Officer Stephan Büttner says: “We continue to face an extremely challenging environment marked by the poor economic situation in Europe, the recession in Austria and Germany and continued high volatility in raw material and energy purchasing prices. In the Starch and Sugar segments, much lower sales prices led to significant reductions in earnings. This makes it all the more gratifying that, in the Fruit segment, we were able to grow revenue in the first three quarters despite the difficult economic conditions and deliver a solid performance across the board.”
Agrana: weekly performance: 3.27%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (14/01/2025)

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1. Hannes Haider, Agrana   >> Öffnen auf photaq.com

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