19.01.2025, 2419 Zeichen
It was a very good week for ATX but it ended up with shocking news from Strabag: "It is with great sadness that we have to announce that CEO Klemens Haselsteiner (44) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly today, 17 January 2025. The thoughts of all employees are with his family". Börse Social Network also likes to express our sincere condolences to the family and also the Strabag-family. Further News came from Agrana, wienerberger, UBM, Frequentis, again Strabag, Porr and Vienna Airport.
BSNgine weekly Spitout: The ATX TR up 3,53% to 8.810,75 points this week. Year-to-date the ATX TR is now at 3,21%. Up to now there were 7 days with a positive and 5 with a negative gain. From the year-high we are 0% away, from the low 3,89%. Statistically the best weekday so far 2025 is Wednesday with 0,59%, the weakest is Tuesday with -0,24%.
These are the best-performers this week: Semperit 11,59% in front of Wienerberger 8,08% and Andritz 7,86%. And the following stocks performed worst: Lenzing -15,83% in front of Amag -1,64% and Polytec Group -1,3%.
Further highlights this week: voestalpine for 5 days in a row up (7,33% gain from 16,92 to 18,16), also Andritz 5 days up (7,86% gain from 48,72 to 52,55), EVN 5 days up (6,81% gain from 21,3 to 22,75), Semperit 5 days up (11,59% gain from 12,6 to 14,06), VIG 4 days up (4,68% gain from 29,9 to 31,3), Immofinanz 4 days up (2,94% gain from 15,66 to 16,12), Verbund 3 days up (3,98% gain from 70,3 to 73,1), Wienerberger 3 days up (10,04% gain from 24,3 to 26,74), EuroTeleSites AG 3 days up (5,5% gain from 4,72 to 4,99), CA Immo 3 days up (4,36% gain from 21,58 to 22,52), Agrana 3 days up (3,27% gain from 10,7 to 11,05), Palfinger 3 days up (6,11% gain from 19,32 to 20,5), RHI Magnesita 3 days up (4,94% gain from 38,5 to 40,4).
Best-performers year-to-date as of now: Kapsch TrafficCom 22,26% (last year: -33,26 percent) followed by Semperit 18,75% (last year: -15,96 percent) and Warimpex 17,13% (last year: -13,29 percent). And the worst-performing stocks year-to-date: Lenzing -17,97% (Vorjahr: -18,57 percent), followed by Pierer Mobility -13,45% (Vorjahr: -59,15 percent) and AT&S -4,54% (Vorjahr: -55,32 percent).
High above the MA200: Bawag 29%, Porr 24,9% and Erste Group 24,43%.
Down under the MA200: AT&S -36,43%, Pierer Mobility -35,16% and Immofinanz -26,02%.
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/01/2025)
Wiener Börse Party #842: Heute früh, weil Wiener Börse Live-Kurse bietet, ATX top, Valentinstags-IPO Wolford als Langfristflop
Die Immofinanz ist ein börsenotierter gewerblicher Immobilienkonzern, der seine Aktivitäten auf die Segmente Einzelhandel und Büro in sieben Kernmärkten in Europa (Österreich, Deutschland, Tschechien, Slowakei, Ungarn, Rumänien und Polen) fokussiert. Zum Kerngeschäft zählen die Bewirtschaftung und die Entwicklung von Immobilien.
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