26.01.2025, 1346 Zeichen
Pierer Mobility: From today's perspective, the PIERER Mobility Group expects consolidated revenue of around EUR 1.9 billion in 2024 (previous year: around EUR 2.7 billion). This corresponds to a decrease of around 29% compared to the 2023 financial year. Due to a significant reduction in operating performance and one-off restructuring expenses, the Executive Board anticipates a negative EBITDA of around EUR 300 million for the 2024 financial year (before necessary allowances as part of the restructuring process). Expected impairments on intangible assets and goodwill will have an additional negative impact on EBIT. Free cash flow will amount to a high negative triple-digit million figure. As a result, net debt is also expected to increase further in the second half of 2024.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance:
Kapsch TrafficCom: The Spanish federal traffic authority DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico) has entrusted the joint venture with a contract for the support and technical assistance for the management of the automated complaint processing center in the city of Léon. Kapsch TrafficCom holds a 33% stake in the joint venture. So far, the system has processed more than three million fines.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance:
(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (23/01/2025)
Wiener Börse Party #841: Kickl hat es verkickelt, ATX erstmals seit 2022 über 4000, Strabag und Telekom sind Value Momentum Plus
Wiener Börse
Die Wiener Börse wurde im Jahr 1771 als eine der ersten Börsen weltweit gegründet. Zu den Hauptgeschäftsbereichen zählen der Handel am Kassamarkt und der Handel mit strukturierten Produkten. Zusätzliche Leistungen umfassen Datenverkauf, Indexentwicklung und -management sowie Seminare und Lehrgänge.
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