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21st Austria weekly - Wienerberger, S&T, Kapsch TrafficCom (12/08/2020)


Wienerberger: Despite lockdowns in many of brick producer Wienerberger’s core markets, the company closed the first half of the year with Group revenues of Euro 1,642 mn, just 5% below the previous year’s record level (H1 2019: Euro 1,736 mn). In the context of a difficult market environment, which was severely impacted by the crisis, Wienerberger succeeded in further improving its product mix by focusing on premium solutions, and continued to perform strongly in regard to pricing. In terms of EBITDA LFL, the Fast Forward program made a positive contribution of Euro 15 mn. At Euro 255 mn, EBITDA LFL showed solid development and fell short by only 12% of the record level seen in H1 2019 of Euro 290 mn. For the current business year 2020, Wienerberger increases its guidance after a solid trading level in July. Despite the fact, that visibility remains low, the company expects a less severe market decline for the full year 2020 of minus 10% (previously -15%) across the Group’s end markets. Based on the assumption of no further lockdowns in its key markets, prices holding up and Fast Forward program will contribute approximately Euro 30 mn, Wienerberger increases its EBITDA LFL guidance to Euro 480-500 mn (previously Euro 460–480 mn). In view of the economic stimulus packages adopted by governments, the company sees significant potential for growth in the medium-to-long-term.
Wienerberger: weekly performance: 6.16%

Kapsch TrafficCom: KapschTrafficCom, provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility, reported final earnings for the first quarter of financial year 2020/2. Revenues decreased by approximately 26% to Euro 138 mn in Q1. This decline is mainly due to developments in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa). Last year, revenues still included projects that have been completed in the meantime: two projects for the German infrastructure charge, the operation of the nation-wide toll system in the Czech Republic and the implementation of the nation-wide toll system in Bulgaria. This alone explains a drop in revenues of around Euro 38 mn. In South Africa, the Covid-19 situation in particular led to a drop in revenues of Euro 6 mn. The EBIT was at Euro -11 mn (previous year: Euro 5 mn). It has not yet been possible to compensate for the loss of profitable major projects. At the same time, the company has not yet been able to adapt its cost base to the new circumstances. The implementation of new software in individual customer systems continued to result in additional costs. The difficult situation with staff in North America has also hurt profitability. “We are currently in a period of weakness. However, I am convinced that we are taking the right steps to quickly put the company back on the road to success,” says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. 
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -0.35%

S&T: The members of the Executive Board of technology company S&T AG, Hannes Niederhauser, Richard Neuwirth,  Peter Sturz and Michael Jeske, sold around 240,000 shares in S&T on 11 August 2020. The sale became necessary in order to finance the upcoming income tax due for the approximately 1,350,000 stock warrants recently received by the Executive Board. The stock warrants issued in August 2020 represent the long-term share-based remuneration of the Executive Board within the framework of Agenda 2023 and have a lock-up period of 36 months and an exercise hurdle of at least Euro 32.86. Hannes Niederhauser, CEO: "The sale of shares in S&T AG by myself and other members of the Executive Board has nothing to do with the current or future development of the S&T Group, but serves to finance the income tax for the recently received warrants, which represent a pecuniary advantage from the employment contract, and which must be paid now. If we achieve our goals, I will participate in the success of S&T AG with the warrants, which also represent my remuneration for the next three years, four times more than with the shares sold today. We have made a very good start into the third quarter of 2020 and will definitely reach our target for 2020 of at least Euro 1,150 mn revenue and Euro 115 mn EBITDA. We also confirm our medium-term target for 2023 of Euro 2 bin in revenues and Euro 220 mn in EBITDA.
S&T: weekly performance: 3.36%

Do&Co: In the first quarter of the business year 2020/2021, which was characterised by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the catering group Do & Co recorded revenue in the amount of Euro 32.47 mn, representing a decrease of -86.9% or Euro -215.07 mn compared to the same period of the previous year. For the first quarter of the business year 2020/2021, the Group achieved a profit after income tax of Euro -21.94 mn, a decrease of Euro 31.30 mn on the same period of the previous year. The net profit attributable to the shareholders of Do & Co amounts to Euro -22.15 mn (PY: Euro 5.68 nm). Despite Do & Co being particularly affected by the pandemic in all divisions and countries at a time, the Management Board is convinced that the strong innovative power, the flexible corporate culture and a very focused team will cope very well with the challenges of the competition, and Do & Co will emerge stronger from this crisis, the company stated.
DO&CO: weekly performance: -2.12%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (12/08/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Wienerberger, S&T, Kapsch TrafficCom (12/08/2020)

16.08.2020, 5371 Zeichen

Wienerberger: Despite lockdowns in many of brick producer Wienerberger’s core markets, the company closed the first half of the year with Group revenues of Euro 1,642 mn, just 5% below the previous year’s record level (H1 2019: Euro 1,736 mn). In the context of a difficult market environment, which was severely impacted by the crisis, Wienerberger succeeded in further improving its product mix by focusing on premium solutions, and continued to perform strongly in regard to pricing. In terms of EBITDA LFL, the Fast Forward program made a positive contribution of Euro 15 mn. At Euro 255 mn, EBITDA LFL showed solid development and fell short by only 12% of the record level seen in H1 2019 of Euro 290 mn. For the current business year 2020, Wienerberger increases its guidance after a solid trading level in July. Despite the fact, that visibility remains low, the company expects a less severe market decline for the full year 2020 of minus 10% (previously -15%) across the Group’s end markets. Based on the assumption of no further lockdowns in its key markets, prices holding up and Fast Forward program will contribute approximately Euro 30 mn, Wienerberger increases its EBITDA LFL guidance to Euro 480-500 mn (previously Euro 460–480 mn). In view of the economic stimulus packages adopted by governments, the company sees significant potential for growth in the medium-to-long-term.
Wienerberger: weekly performance: 6.16%

Kapsch TrafficCom: KapschTrafficCom, provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility, reported final earnings for the first quarter of financial year 2020/2. Revenues decreased by approximately 26% to Euro 138 mn in Q1. This decline is mainly due to developments in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa). Last year, revenues still included projects that have been completed in the meantime: two projects for the German infrastructure charge, the operation of the nation-wide toll system in the Czech Republic and the implementation of the nation-wide toll system in Bulgaria. This alone explains a drop in revenues of around Euro 38 mn. In South Africa, the Covid-19 situation in particular led to a drop in revenues of Euro 6 mn. The EBIT was at Euro -11 mn (previous year: Euro 5 mn). It has not yet been possible to compensate for the loss of profitable major projects. At the same time, the company has not yet been able to adapt its cost base to the new circumstances. The implementation of new software in individual customer systems continued to result in additional costs. The difficult situation with staff in North America has also hurt profitability. “We are currently in a period of weakness. However, I am convinced that we are taking the right steps to quickly put the company back on the road to success,” says Georg Kapsch, CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom. 
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -0.35%

S&T: The members of the Executive Board of technology company S&T AG, Hannes Niederhauser, Richard Neuwirth,  Peter Sturz and Michael Jeske, sold around 240,000 shares in S&T on 11 August 2020. The sale became necessary in order to finance the upcoming income tax due for the approximately 1,350,000 stock warrants recently received by the Executive Board. The stock warrants issued in August 2020 represent the long-term share-based remuneration of the Executive Board within the framework of Agenda 2023 and have a lock-up period of 36 months and an exercise hurdle of at least Euro 32.86. Hannes Niederhauser, CEO: "The sale of shares in S&T AG by myself and other members of the Executive Board has nothing to do with the current or future development of the S&T Group, but serves to finance the income tax for the recently received warrants, which represent a pecuniary advantage from the employment contract, and which must be paid now. If we achieve our goals, I will participate in the success of S&T AG with the warrants, which also represent my remuneration for the next three years, four times more than with the shares sold today. We have made a very good start into the third quarter of 2020 and will definitely reach our target for 2020 of at least Euro 1,150 mn revenue and Euro 115 mn EBITDA. We also confirm our medium-term target for 2023 of Euro 2 bin in revenues and Euro 220 mn in EBITDA.
S&T: weekly performance: 3.36%

Do&Co: In the first quarter of the business year 2020/2021, which was characterised by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the catering group Do & Co recorded revenue in the amount of Euro 32.47 mn, representing a decrease of -86.9% or Euro -215.07 mn compared to the same period of the previous year. For the first quarter of the business year 2020/2021, the Group achieved a profit after income tax of Euro -21.94 mn, a decrease of Euro 31.30 mn on the same period of the previous year. The net profit attributable to the shareholders of Do & Co amounts to Euro -22.15 mn (PY: Euro 5.68 nm). Despite Do & Co being particularly affected by the pandemic in all divisions and countries at a time, the Management Board is convinced that the strong innovative power, the flexible corporate culture and a very focused team will cope very well with the challenges of the competition, and Do & Co will emerge stronger from this crisis, the company stated.
DO&CO: weekly performance: -2.12%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (12/08/2020)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, Palfinger, RBI, Pierer Mobility, Austriacard Holdings AG, UBM, EuroTeleSites AG, Semperit, FACC, OMV, Telekom Austria, Rosenbauer, Rosgix, Addiko Bank, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Gurktaler AG Stamm, Kapsch TrafficCom, RHI Magnesita, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, Agrana, EVN, Österreichische Post, Uniqa, VIG.

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