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21st Austria weekly - Pierer Mobility, Kontron, AT&S (18/12/2024)


Pierer Mobility: PIERER Mobility AG is currently in talks with potential strategic and financial investors. These include both existing partners as well as new strategic and financial investors. The objective of the investment process is to have investors subscribe to a necessary cash capital increase or financial instruments of PIERER Mobility AG. These funds will be used to strengthen the PIERER Mobility Group, in particular KTM AG.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: 28.02%

Kontron: Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT/Embedded Computing Technology (ECT), has received a significant order from a leading European company in the defense, security, and aerospace technology sectors. The order is expected to be worth around EUR 165 million and includes the provision of high-performance VPX computing and communication computing units for mobile and stationary surveillance applications.
Kontron: weekly performance: 1.83%

AT&S: Based on the current revision of the mid-term planning the Management Board of AT&S decided today to adjust the guidance for the financial year 2026/27. The company now expects annual revenues between € 2.1 and € 2.4 billion (previously: approx. € 3.0 billion) and EBITDA margin of approximately 24‒28% (previously: 27‒32%). The adjustments are due to a persistent weakness of the market coupled with overcapacities for printed circuit boards and IC substrates, and the resulting price pressure. Due to the weak market environment, efforts to cut costs are being intensified significantly and all investments are subject to intensive review.
AT&S: weekly performance: -19.78%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/12/2024)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Pierer Mobility, Kontron, AT&S (18/12/2024)

22.12.2024, 1700 Zeichen

Pierer Mobility: PIERER Mobility AG is currently in talks with potential strategic and financial investors. These include both existing partners as well as new strategic and financial investors. The objective of the investment process is to have investors subscribe to a necessary cash capital increase or financial instruments of PIERER Mobility AG. These funds will be used to strengthen the PIERER Mobility Group, in particular KTM AG.
Pierer Mobility: weekly performance: 28.02%

Kontron: Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT/Embedded Computing Technology (ECT), has received a significant order from a leading European company in the defense, security, and aerospace technology sectors. The order is expected to be worth around EUR 165 million and includes the provision of high-performance VPX computing and communication computing units for mobile and stationary surveillance applications.
Kontron: weekly performance: 1.83%

AT&S: Based on the current revision of the mid-term planning the Management Board of AT&S decided today to adjust the guidance for the financial year 2026/27. The company now expects annual revenues between € 2.1 and € 2.4 billion (previously: approx. € 3.0 billion) and EBITDA margin of approximately 24‒28% (previously: 27‒32%). The adjustments are due to a persistent weakness of the market coupled with overcapacities for printed circuit boards and IC substrates, and the resulting price pressure. Due to the weak market environment, efforts to cut costs are being intensified significantly and all investments are subject to intensive review.
AT&S: weekly performance: -19.78%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (18/12/2024)

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Aktien auf dem Radar:Amag, RBI, Palfinger, Pierer Mobility, Austriacard Holdings AG, SBO, Wienerberger, Porr, EuroTeleSites AG, CA Immo, Semperit, Agrana, AT&S, Cleen Energy, Erste Group, FACC, Flughafen Wien, Oberbank AG Stamm, EVN, OMV, Österreichische Post, Rosenbauer, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Allianz, Fresenius Medical Care, HeidelbergCement, Zalando, Siemens Energy, Sartorius.

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