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21st Austria weekly - Polytec; UBM, Lenzing; Valneva (07/05/2020)


Polytec Group: In the first quarter of 2020, consolidated sales of Polytec Group, a leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components, sales declined by 7.5% over the same period of the preceding year to stand at Euro 149.1 mn (Q1 2019: 161.3 mn). In the passenger cars and light commercial vehicles market area, which with a 69.4% (Q1 2019: 57.4%) share of total sales represents the strongest area within the group, sales in the first quarter of 2020 rose by 11.8% to Euro 103.4 mn (Q1 2019: 92.5 mn) and were thus markedly higher than those of the identical period of the previous year. This increase was due primarily to the additional sales revenues of Euro 12.6 mn generated by the initial consolidation on 1 September 2019 of the newly founded Polytec Car  Styling Weierbach GmbH. As compared to the first quarter of 2019, sales in the commercial vehicles market area (19.9%; Q1 2019: 32.3%) showed a sharp fall of 43.0% from Euro 52.1 mn to Euro 29.7 mn. Group EBIT in the months from January to March totalled Euro 2.7 mn (Q1 2019: 9.1 mn). As opposed to the same period of 2019, the EBIT margin was down by 3.9 percentage points and thus declined from 5.7% to 1.8%. The group net profit amounted to Euro 1.5 mn (Q1 2019: Euro 6.1 mn), which corresponded with earnings per share of Euro 0.06 (Q1 2019: Euro 0.27). In view of the eventful development of the corona crisis during March and April and the continually changing shifts in the general situation, it remains impossible to reliably predict the economic implications for the Polytec. Nonetheless, it may be assumed that despite the capacity adjustments already undertaken and the initiation of additional measures, depending upon the duration of the adverse effects and the efficiency of the gradual resumption of production in the automotive industry, negative impacts upon the sales revenues and earnings of the Polytec Group in the 2020 financial year can be anticipated.
Polytec: weekly performance: -5.77%

UBM: Hotel developer UBM Development and Austrian Real Estate GmbH (ARE) are forming a strategic partnership. UBM is investing in the “Eurogate“, one of the largest urban development projects in the heart of Vienna and, at the same time, ARE is acquiring an interest in a large-scale UBM project in Munich and diversifying towards Germany. The strategic partnership between UBM and ARE creates the basis for steady and sustainable earnings and will improve the diversification of opportunities and risks from both a regional and timing viewpoint. “ARE and UBM are a perfect fit. UBM is looking for further large-scale projects in Austria, while ARE is seeking to diversify risk by entering the German market“, explains Thomas G. Winkler, CEO of UBM Development AG. Hans-Peter Weiss, CEO of ARE, adds: “We are two financially strong urban quarter developers with a similarly large project pipeline and matching expertise. Of course, this creates perspectives and the potential for additional activities. Together we can manage large – and also very large – projects. These two transactions give us an excellent starting base for the future!“ The parties have agreed not to disclose any information on the purchase prices.
UBM: weekly performance: 1.39%

Lenzing: In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset. In the first quarter of 2020, revenue declined by 16.7 percent in comparison with the prior-year quarter and amounted to Euro 466.3 mn. Net profit for the period was down 58.6 percent to Euro 17.7 mn. The Management Board of the Lenzing Group reassessed its original resolution for a dividend distribution of EUR 1.00 and decided to propose to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting not to distribute a dividend for the 2019 financial year.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -5.36%

: Austrian/French biotech company Valneva recently initiated a research program aiming to develop a vaccine against SARS COV-2, the COVID-19 pathogen. The Company is taking advantage of its well-established IXIARO® technology platform to develop an inactivated, whole virus, adjuvanted vaccine candidate, in collaboration with Dynavax. Dynavax is providing its adjuvant CpG 1018, which is also incorporated in U.S. FDA-approved HEPLISAV-B vaccine. Valneva is conducting pre-clinical development work in its Biosafety Level 3 laboratories and has reallocated resources from other early stage research and development (R&D) programs, without affecting the clinical development of its vaccine candidates for Lyme disease and chikungunya. 
Valneva: weekly performance: -7.89%

S&T: The technology group S&T AG is delivering its 45th record quarter in a row at the start of the year with the first quarter of 2020. This even though the corona crisis is currently having a strong impact on the global economy and personal everyday life. Both revenues and profitability increased further compared to the same quarter last year. Revenues increased by around 20% to Euro 270.1 mn (PY: EUR 225.1 million), while gross profit rose from Euro 85.3 mn to Euro 107.8 mn, reaching a new record gross margin level of 39.9%. EBITDA increased by a pleasing 18.2% to Euro 25 mn (PY: Euro 21.2 mn). Earnings per share increased by 7% to Euro 15 cents (PY: Euro 14 cents). "In the medium term, S&T will be a winner in the crisis. We therefore reaffirm our ambitious Agenda 2023 target of EUR 2 billion in revenue with an EBITDA of Euro 220 mn", states Hannes Niederhauser, CEO of S&T AG. 
S&T: weekly performance: 13.37%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (07/05/2020)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Polytec; UBM, Lenzing; Valneva (07/05/2020)

10.05.2020, 5958 Zeichen

Polytec Group: In the first quarter of 2020, consolidated sales of Polytec Group, a leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components, sales declined by 7.5% over the same period of the preceding year to stand at Euro 149.1 mn (Q1 2019: 161.3 mn). In the passenger cars and light commercial vehicles market area, which with a 69.4% (Q1 2019: 57.4%) share of total sales represents the strongest area within the group, sales in the first quarter of 2020 rose by 11.8% to Euro 103.4 mn (Q1 2019: 92.5 mn) and were thus markedly higher than those of the identical period of the previous year. This increase was due primarily to the additional sales revenues of Euro 12.6 mn generated by the initial consolidation on 1 September 2019 of the newly founded Polytec Car  Styling Weierbach GmbH. As compared to the first quarter of 2019, sales in the commercial vehicles market area (19.9%; Q1 2019: 32.3%) showed a sharp fall of 43.0% from Euro 52.1 mn to Euro 29.7 mn. Group EBIT in the months from January to March totalled Euro 2.7 mn (Q1 2019: 9.1 mn). As opposed to the same period of 2019, the EBIT margin was down by 3.9 percentage points and thus declined from 5.7% to 1.8%. The group net profit amounted to Euro 1.5 mn (Q1 2019: Euro 6.1 mn), which corresponded with earnings per share of Euro 0.06 (Q1 2019: Euro 0.27). In view of the eventful development of the corona crisis during March and April and the continually changing shifts in the general situation, it remains impossible to reliably predict the economic implications for the Polytec. Nonetheless, it may be assumed that despite the capacity adjustments already undertaken and the initiation of additional measures, depending upon the duration of the adverse effects and the efficiency of the gradual resumption of production in the automotive industry, negative impacts upon the sales revenues and earnings of the Polytec Group in the 2020 financial year can be anticipated.
Polytec: weekly performance: -5.77%

UBM: Hotel developer UBM Development and Austrian Real Estate GmbH (ARE) are forming a strategic partnership. UBM is investing in the “Eurogate“, one of the largest urban development projects in the heart of Vienna and, at the same time, ARE is acquiring an interest in a large-scale UBM project in Munich and diversifying towards Germany. The strategic partnership between UBM and ARE creates the basis for steady and sustainable earnings and will improve the diversification of opportunities and risks from both a regional and timing viewpoint. “ARE and UBM are a perfect fit. UBM is looking for further large-scale projects in Austria, while ARE is seeking to diversify risk by entering the German market“, explains Thomas G. Winkler, CEO of UBM Development AG. Hans-Peter Weiss, CEO of ARE, adds: “We are two financially strong urban quarter developers with a similarly large project pipeline and matching expertise. Of course, this creates perspectives and the potential for additional activities. Together we can manage large – and also very large – projects. These two transactions give us an excellent starting base for the future!“ The parties have agreed not to disclose any information on the purchase prices.
UBM: weekly performance: 1.39%

Lenzing: In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset. In the first quarter of 2020, revenue declined by 16.7 percent in comparison with the prior-year quarter and amounted to Euro 466.3 mn. Net profit for the period was down 58.6 percent to Euro 17.7 mn. The Management Board of the Lenzing Group reassessed its original resolution for a dividend distribution of EUR 1.00 and decided to propose to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting not to distribute a dividend for the 2019 financial year.
Lenzing: weekly performance: -5.36%

: Austrian/French biotech company Valneva recently initiated a research program aiming to develop a vaccine against SARS COV-2, the COVID-19 pathogen. The Company is taking advantage of its well-established IXIARO® technology platform to develop an inactivated, whole virus, adjuvanted vaccine candidate, in collaboration with Dynavax. Dynavax is providing its adjuvant CpG 1018, which is also incorporated in U.S. FDA-approved HEPLISAV-B vaccine. Valneva is conducting pre-clinical development work in its Biosafety Level 3 laboratories and has reallocated resources from other early stage research and development (R&D) programs, without affecting the clinical development of its vaccine candidates for Lyme disease and chikungunya. 
Valneva: weekly performance: -7.89%

S&T: The technology group S&T AG is delivering its 45th record quarter in a row at the start of the year with the first quarter of 2020. This even though the corona crisis is currently having a strong impact on the global economy and personal everyday life. Both revenues and profitability increased further compared to the same quarter last year. Revenues increased by around 20% to Euro 270.1 mn (PY: EUR 225.1 million), while gross profit rose from Euro 85.3 mn to Euro 107.8 mn, reaching a new record gross margin level of 39.9%. EBITDA increased by a pleasing 18.2% to Euro 25 mn (PY: Euro 21.2 mn). Earnings per share increased by 7% to Euro 15 cents (PY: Euro 14 cents). "In the medium term, S&T will be a winner in the crisis. We therefore reaffirm our ambitious Agenda 2023 target of EUR 2 billion in revenue with an EBITDA of Euro 220 mn", states Hannes Niederhauser, CEO of S&T AG. 
S&T: weekly performance: 13.37%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (07/05/2020)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Wiener Börse Party #819: ATX wieder knapp über Ultimo 2024, aber neugierig, wer denn Lenzing so stark unter Druck gebracht hat



Aktien auf dem Radar:Kapsch TrafficCom, Austriacard Holdings AG, EuroTeleSites AG, Flughafen Wien, Warimpex, Mayr-Melnhof, Erste Group, ATX, ATX Prime, ATX TR, OMV, Wienerberger, Cleen Energy, DO&CO, Pierer Mobility, Stadlauer Malzfabrik AG, Semperit, Strabag, Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Agrana, Amag, Rosenbauer, Oberbank AG Stamm, RHI Magnesita, EVN, Palfinger, Österreichische Post, Telekom Austria, Uniqa, VIG, Deutsche Telekom.

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