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21st Austria weekly - Kapsch TrafficCom, Immofinanz, wienerberger (28/11/2024)


Kapsch TrafficCom: Kapsch TrafficCom reports findings of Road User Charging (RUC) Proof of Concept (PoC) in Oslo, Norway. The initiative tested innovative solutions for distance-based road pricing with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology as a sustainable alternative to traditional fuel taxes. This approach aims to address the decline in fuel tax revenues resulting from the shift to electric vehicles while ensuring fairness and accessibility for all road users.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -7.14%

Immofinanz: Business development in real estate group IMMOFINANZ during the first three quarters of 2024 represented a continuation of the positive first half year. Rental income rose by 11.9% year-on-year to EUR 435.6 million. The results of asset management increased by 14.0% over the previous year to EUR 368.9 million, and the results of operations improved by a strong 54.1% to EUR 322.3 million. FFO 1 after tax was 24.8% higher at EUR 230.9 million (Q1–3 2023: EUR 185.0 million).“In spite of the continuing market volatility, all our relevant indicators improved during the first nine months of 2024. This positive development was based on our strong operating performance and a focused portfolio strategy that successfully combines growth and targeted reorientation,” commented Radka Doehring, member of the IMMOFINANZ Executive Board.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 3.40%

wienerberger: As part of its sustainability strategy, wienerberger, a provider of innovative, ecological solutions for the entire building envelope, in the fields of new build and renovation, as well as infrastructure in water and energy management, opened its modernized brick plant in Uttendorf, Austria, on November 28th. With the world's largest industrial electric kiln, the plant sets new standards for sustainable brick production. By running on green electricity – for example from the plant's own PV system – wienerberger is reducing emissions for brick production by around 90% and overall energy consumption by a third. 
Wienerberger: weekly performance: -0.15%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (28/11/2024)


latest 21st Austria

21st Austria weekly - Kapsch TrafficCom, Immofinanz, wienerberger (28/11/2024)

01.12.2024, 2166 Zeichen

Kapsch TrafficCom: Kapsch TrafficCom reports findings of Road User Charging (RUC) Proof of Concept (PoC) in Oslo, Norway. The initiative tested innovative solutions for distance-based road pricing with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology as a sustainable alternative to traditional fuel taxes. This approach aims to address the decline in fuel tax revenues resulting from the shift to electric vehicles while ensuring fairness and accessibility for all road users.
Kapsch TrafficCom: weekly performance: -7.14%

Immofinanz: Business development in real estate group IMMOFINANZ during the first three quarters of 2024 represented a continuation of the positive first half year. Rental income rose by 11.9% year-on-year to EUR 435.6 million. The results of asset management increased by 14.0% over the previous year to EUR 368.9 million, and the results of operations improved by a strong 54.1% to EUR 322.3 million. FFO 1 after tax was 24.8% higher at EUR 230.9 million (Q1–3 2023: EUR 185.0 million).“In spite of the continuing market volatility, all our relevant indicators improved during the first nine months of 2024. This positive development was based on our strong operating performance and a focused portfolio strategy that successfully combines growth and targeted reorientation,” commented Radka Doehring, member of the IMMOFINANZ Executive Board.
Immofinanz: weekly performance: 3.40%

wienerberger: As part of its sustainability strategy, wienerberger, a provider of innovative, ecological solutions for the entire building envelope, in the fields of new build and renovation, as well as infrastructure in water and energy management, opened its modernized brick plant in Uttendorf, Austria, on November 28th. With the world's largest industrial electric kiln, the plant sets new standards for sustainable brick production. By running on green electricity – for example from the plant's own PV system – wienerberger is reducing emissions for brick production by around 90% and overall energy consumption by a third. 
Wienerberger: weekly performance: -0.15%

(From the 21st Austria weekly https://www.boerse-social.com/21staustria (28/11/2024)

BSN Podcasts
Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice 19/365: Zahlen/Fakten nach Woche 3, damit man bzgl. Wiener Börse mitreden und sie einreihen kann



Aktien auf dem Radar:Lenzing, Amag, Warimpex, Pierer Mobility, AT&S, Immofinanz, ATX Prime, voestalpine, Andritz, EVN, Semperit, VIG, Rosgix, Verbund, Wienerberger, EuroTeleSites AG, CA Immo, Agrana, Palfinger, Wolford, SBO, Kapsch TrafficCom, Strabag, Frequentis, Zumtobel, RHI Magnesita, Heid AG, Oberbank AG Stamm, FACC, Flughafen Wien, OMV.

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