4186 Zeichen
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New Products/Company Information
Vienna -
* Manufacture of disinfectants at Austria Juice in Kröllendorf (Lower Austria)
based on WHO formulation
* Some of the disinfectants produced to be donated via AGRANA production sites
in Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria to residential homes and social
organisations in the relevant region
* Total production volume: 40,000 litres of disinfectant per week
* CEO Marihart: "A contribution to addressing a key supply shortage"
Against the background of the corona crisis, the bioethanol produced at AGRANA's
site in Pischelsdorf (Tulln District) has recently been approved for use in the
manufacture of disinfectants. Besides supplying high-proof alcohol to major
customers in the downstream disinfectant manufacturing sector, AGRANA itself has
also started making surface and hand disinfectants. A share of the disinfectants
manufactured will be distributed free-of-charge to care and social organisations
in Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria. More specifically, these
disinfectants, which will be distributed by the relevant site managers, will be
donated to institutions located in the vicinity of AGRANA facilities in Aschach/
Donau (Upper Austria), Gmünd, Kröllendorf, Leopoldsdorf, Pischelsdorf and Tulln
(all in Lower Austria) and in Gleisdorf (Styria). The first handover by the site
manager in Kröllendorf to the "Lebenshilfe-Niederösterreich" organisation
(Hiesbach) took place earlier today (see attached photo).
Johann Marihart, CEO of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG: "We are delighted to be able to
contribute to addressing the shortage of disinfectants during the corona crisis.
I would particularly like to thank the relevant public authorities, which
swiftly and unbureaucratically granted the authorisation for this special use of
the alcohol and the tax-free status of the disinfectant manufactured."
The manufacture and filling of the hand and surface disinfectants is being
undertaken by the AGRANA/Raiffeisen Ware subsidiary Austria Juice in Kröllendorf
(Lower Austria). The fruit juice concentrate plant at this site speedily set up
a line on which the disinfectant is being filled into 25-litre canisters.
Austria Juice can produce up to 40,000 litres of disinfectant per week.
The high-proof alcohol acting as the basis for the disinfectant comes from the
bioethanol plant in Pischelsdorf (Lower Austria), which produces a total of
around 600,000 litres of bioethanol per day. The precondition for producing
disinfectants based on alcohol was a certificate of exception from the Austrian
Biocidal Products Regulation issued by the Ministry of Environment.
The disinfectants can also be purchased directly from Austria Juice. Please send
requests via email to desinfektionsmittel@austriajuice.com
AGRANA converts agricultural raw materials into high-quality foods and numerous
industrial intermediate products. Around 9,600 employees at 57 production sites
worldwide generate annual Group revenue of approximately EUR 2.4 billion.
Established in 1988, the company is the world's market leader in fruit
preparations and the leading producer of fruit juice concentrates in Europe. In
addition, its Starch segment is also a major manufacturer of custom starch
products and bioethanol. AGRANA is also the leading sugar producer in Central
and Eastern Europe.
This announcement is available in German and English at www.agrana.com [https://
end of announcement euro adhoc
Pictures with Announcement:
issuer: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG
F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1
A-1020 Wien
phone: +43-1-21137-0
FAX: +43-1-21137-12926
mail: info.ab@agrana.com
WWW: www.agrana.com
indexes: WBI
stockmarkets: Frankfurt, Berlin, Wien, Stuttgart
language: English
Digital press kit: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/4/aom
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Agrana Bioethanolwerk in Pischelsdorf (Bild: Agrana)
>> Öffnen auf photaq.com
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